Each week I play football with a group of Chinese lads ("Matrix FC") at the Jingwen Stadium. Not only does it give me some much needed exercise it always allows me to practice my mandarin/shanghainese. We usually have about 21 Chinese players and occaisionally a few other foreigners - although I've been the only "international" player making appearances lately (I think it is too hot for the others!).

As last sunday was the week before my birthday the team threw me a surprise birthday party. We played until 12.30pm as normal and then went for a large dinner at a sichuan restuarant. They
took charge of the ordering so I was treated to some of the spiciest food I have ever eaten in China and also some of the strangest; bullfrog, ducks neck.

They were quite shocked at how much i ate though and even more shocked that we eat rabbit at home. I explained to them that my parents are farmers and I think they understand. They were really kind and each team bought me a present - Kevin (my best friend on the team) bought me a really nice watch, the argentian team gave me a Chinese tea set from their island and the french team bought me a large birthday cake.
It was a really great day and I hope I can buy them all some new "english" football kits before I leave to say thank you for their hospitality. No more of this "argentina" malarky!!!
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