When I arrived in China it was raining heavily. On the second day it was raining heavily. When I got to work I asked someone in the office whether it was always like this, they replied "it has rained for 20 days and 20 days, but tomorrow it will be sunny". To tell the truth I was sceptical but I'll give the chinese weather forcasters their dues as come saturday morning it was bright sunshine and clear blue skies.

My first proper full day here and sunshine - a great opportunity to explore. Because of the lovely day I thought i'd better make the most of the opportunity and whip out the shorts. The area near me is quite modern with massive shopping malls, restuarants etc but about move about 2 blocks over and you're back to "proper china" where you can buy meals for 5op and big bottles of beer for even less.

I'd forgotten to pack any work shoes so thought I'd go out and try to find some. I walked along nanjing road (main shopping area in Shanghai) to have a look what I could find. Now, it appears that the one thing Chinese people like staring at more than white people in general, is a white person who looks vaguely like harry potter and even more than that they like to stare at white people who look vaguely like harry potter wearing shorts and t shirts. Wherever I went I caused constent outroar. People nearly got ran themselves ran over trying to take photos as I crossed the road. Every two steps was "woah, so cold". It was bloody boiling and the chinese were still wearing at least 4 layers. ridiculous!

Anyhow, I managed to find some shoes. They are not the most stylish in the world but are leather and were only £20 so was quite happy paying that. I then grabbed a little lunch and some beer from a stall in one of the malls I was looking around. I had roast duck and rice with a beer - came to £2.50 - and was bloody delicious!
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