After the expo I went to a Beglium beer teasting in a new bar called Kai. The beer list is about as long as my long with 60 to choose from. Unfortunately because they are imported they all cost about £5 a bottle. Lucily enough we didn't have to pay that at the tasting and also luckily we didn't have to try all 60 - just 5. We had quite a good selection - I was a little dissapointed that a couple were standard beers you'd get at home like Leffe and Duval but it was still good fun and set me up for a decent night out afterwards.
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Grab a few beers and get in The Van
Shanghai Motor Expo 中国会展服务

this was actually one of the less busy halls
The whole place was absolute overan with people - I don't think I've ever seen as many in one place before and what ever direction I was trying to go in always seemed to be the wrong one. The mess was unbelievable as well:

dan maund will be having kittens at the sight of this
The main reason for going to the show was (apart from seeing some of the absolutely stuning models showing off the cars) was to see some of the Chinese knock off models that I had heard about. I'd heard stories of copied Rollers, Mercs exhbited in hall 1 whilst the genuine articles were being shown in the next building. The Chinese, always better at imitating than using their skills to produce something better themselves, didn't dissapoint. The Rolls Royce knock is ridiculous - I believe action is being taken by the company!
Rolls Royce Phantom? Complete with Spirit of Estacy - Only £30,000
Mercedes CLK?
St Georges Day Dinner

For the rest of the ingredients I managed to get some Potatoes, Broccoli, Runner Beans, Carrots and for the meat element some Australian Steak from the City Store down the road. All the vegetables came to about £2 in total and then the steak cost £2 as well. THe most expensive aspect of the whole meal was the bloody masher for the potatoes - it cost £10! Worth it though as the mash was quite delicious. I'll have to make sure to get good value out of it.
胡萝卜hú luó bo (carrots) , 土豆 tǔ dòu (tates), 牛排 niú pái (steak)
Because of the masher it was one of the most expensive meals I've had in China so far - but it was worth it. Good to have a taste of home. It was a little tricky to cook as don't exactly have all the utenssils that I would have at home - substituted a steamer with a culinder held over the top of a saucepan - used the saucepan lead to keep the heat in. Will try and get more stuff and then I can cook for the other trainees and the people from work.
Sunday, 26 April 2009
New Watches
shop guy: 1,180 yuan each.
me (all in bad chinese) : i've been told not to pay more than 100 yuan
SG: ah, you're not a tourist
me: no, i work here.
SG: OK what do you do
Me: I work in a law firm
SG: (looks a bit sheepish) Ok, Ok. How about 400 yuan each
Me: No 100
SG: Ok 200
Me: no 100
SG: OK - how about two for 300?
Me: [sigh] fine.
I promised that i'd be bringing in lots of clients and other business people. I don't think £15 quid is that much to pay for any watch - even a cheap copy - so was quite happy. Spoken to people in the office and they said that was about the right price to pay. They are still working fine at the moment and they've certainly lasted longer than my Mao watch, which I bought last time here and broke on the first night! Any order

Chinese Grand Prix 中国大奖赛

Chinese Wedding -

Chinese weddings are done a bit different to English weddings. Stella and her husband were actually granted their wedding certificate 4 months ago, then they had their wedding photos taken a few months later and they were the ceremony. This was quite a western styled wedding - but with a few subtle differences. Before the couple came down

One of the more interesting aspects of this wedding was that in Stella's home town it is tradition that when a daughter is born the parents will bury a bottle of wine underground. When the daughter is married they will dig up the wine and drink it at the wedding. The wine was brought round for all the guests to sample and I can honestly say that it was much better tasting than I thought a bottle of wine that had been underground for 25 years would be!
The whole ceremony took place whilst we were eating. The majority of the food was pretty standard fare, but after two or three courses they brought out the speciality for the wedding - Roast Turtle (with the shell on). You eat this a bit like an oyster - pikcing up the shell and biting out the meat - it was awful. I also past up on the Chicken Leg and Ducks Neck!

Which of the following is not a nickname that the husband uses for Stella:
1. Little Darling 2. Little Stupid 3. Little Wife 4. Little Cook. Bare in mind that I have only known Stella for 4 weeks and her husband about 4 minutes I had to be quite careful as I didn;t really want to insult them. I plumped for option C - at random -and got it correct somehow. It turns out that Little Wife means second wife - so would mean that he was calling her his mistress. Lucky guess!

I;'ve got some great ideas for Rugi and Kate's big day in October now - think i'll leave roast turtle off the menu though.
My New Local Team 上海申花

Before the game we went to the club shop and found you could buy about 5 million different types of shanghai shirt. Confused and astounded Dan plumped for this seasons Asian Champions League shirt for 50Yuan and I plumped for what was apparantly last years shirt for 150yuan (i preferred it as it had a chinese sponsor). The official shirt for this season was 550 yuan (more expensive than kits at home!). At the ground there were several sports outlets selling western shirts and kits as well.
After we were kitted out we snuck a few beers into the stadium and got ready to enjoy the game.

The only thing I don't like about them is that they some loose affiliation with Manchester United!

Monday, 13 April 2009
Ski Saturday

Sunday, 12 April 2009
Derby Day in Shanghai

Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Chinese Name 马超睿
this is the chinese name that I have been given by work.
It is pronounced:
马 Ma 超 Chao 睿 Riu.
Chao means super and excellent
Riu means smart and steady!
Obviously entirely appropriate and I can't see why my parents didn't christen me this at birth.
Huang Shan 黄山 Yellow Moutain

The first day we walked up to the western steps which are meant to be the more challenging

enjoyed just sitting there and taking it all in.

I was a great holiday. I stupidly didn't take any proper walking shoes - just my flat soled addidas sambas - so ruined my ankles to a fair extent but it didn't hamper my enjoyment. After we reached the bottom we boarded the bus for the 6.5 hour journey back to Shangers - I'm sure you'll be surprised to here I was asleep almost instantly upon taking my seat!

meeting some old friends...

Afer eating with Nancy and her husband I met up with Shirly who i also met at No.42 school. Conveniently Shirly's parents have two houses; one where they live and another for Shirly to stay during the school week. The house where Shirly lives turned out to be in the same development as Nancy's - just the opposite block so that saved one potential moment of confusion. Shirly had some friends round at her house so after having a few drinks and introducing myself we went to Youth Year Bar and then on to Mazzo Club.