Monday 31 August 2009

Final Match

the team in matching kit - Blackpool wasn't available!

This being my last weekend in Shanghai it meant that I made my last apperance for Matrix FC. I've been down to play football with the lads just about every weekend I've been in Shanghai - only missing the occaisional week when on holiday on busy with work. All the lads have been really welcoming to me so to thank them for their hospitality I bought them all Liverpool Kits so they can have matching shirts when they play against other teams. Kevin, one of the leaders of the team, marked the occaision by reading a speech that said I was the "first official sponsor of Matrix FC". I then handed out the shirts and gave them the card that is below.

my card - someone on the train tried to correct one character!

This is the speech that Kevin made to the rest of the team (i like the part about my knee!):
对矩阵来说今天是个特别的日子,因为矩阵将会得到第一次正式意义的私人赞助。赞助人是Charlie Markillie.查理2009年初开始在矩阵开始活动,今天是最后一场在矩阵的活动,然后他将返回他的祖国,英格兰。

Today is a specail day, MatrixFc will accept first officail sponsor and his donor shirts.The sponsor's name is Charlie Markilie.Charlie join MatrixFc in the year beginning, today is the last game for him in MatrixFc, and then he will be back to his contry, England.
在矩阵里,查理的膝盖在肯定是最差的(虽然我们希望他会尽快恢复),活动前一天的平均睡觉时间也是最短的(一般老外星期六晚上睡觉也都比较少),不过貌似这都不能阻止他来踢球。In MatrixFc, his knee is the worst one(though everyone hope he will recover totally soon), and most of saturday he sleep less compare all of us, but it seems nothing will stop him to the football game.

这是一个足球狂热者。也是一个友好的热心人,他很早就提出,他希望赞助我们球衣能让我们分成各个支队。我很认可他的想法,不管出于卫生和风阻系数来说,用穿背心的办法分队都很不舒服,最主要的,穿背心还是让人感觉有点乱。He is a creasy football fan. Besides, he is a warm heart person. One monthes ago he told me he will buy some shirts for MatrixFc so we dont need to wear the bibs. I agreed with his opinion and i think the bibs is not good at all.

但是矩阵分队比较灵活,所以今天我们将赞助的球衣统一成利物浦队服,同时我们也接受所有队员的闲置队服的赞助。今后我们将合理利用这些赞助队服,进行分队。But we often chang sub-team players, so we decided to accept Charlie's donor all as Liverpool's shirts and then we will gather all the donor shirts from all the Matrix players.We will try to use them instead of bibs.

感谢查理到来,他的真诚,他的贡献,今日所发生将会被记录到矩阵史册,请大家共同鉴证今日。We appricate for Charlie's coming, his honer and contribution, everyone will remember today.2009年8月30日Augest thirty year two thousand 9.

1. 接下来请________,________记录捐献球衣发放。_________and__________will be invited to send shirts to everyone
2. 请____________记录接受捐献球衣登记,并接受各个队员今日捐赠的球衣和将要带来捐赠的球衣。___________will in charge of recording the donor shirts, and for the future donor.

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