Despite all the worry about typhoon Morakot delaying the flight we boarded the plane to Kunming from Shanghai on time. Took off and everything was going normal but then 30 minutes in there was an announcement over the intercom that there was a problem with the plane and we were going to have to make an emergency landing - we turned round back to shanghai and went back. The captain said there was nothing wrong with the plane itself but that the radar had broken and then moments later the plane dropped what seemed about 10 feet - everyone started panicking and kids started to cry. When we eventually made what was a bumpy landing they kept us on the plane for about 10 minutes and insisted that we'd be resuming our flight on the same plane, several of the Chinese complained about this and eventually they decided that we wouldn't be carrying on on the same plane. When we got off the plane several emergency vehicles rushed to the plane and started working on the plane from each side - definitely more than just the radar that was wrong. We boarded the new plane and took off for Kunming - think everyone was a little nervous but thankfully this flight went without hitch.
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